Did you know you can earn money for our school just by shopping atplaces you already go?
By shopping with our Community Partners, Walnut Grove Elementary PTO can earn a portion of the money you spend. Here’s how you can start earning money for our school. It’s that EASY!

Kroger Community Rewards
**Needs to be re-registered every year-if it does not list your contribution to WGES on your receipt**
1. Go to:
2. Click "Enroll Now"
3. Sign in to your online account or create an account
4. Find and select Walnut Grove Elementary School (GG906) and click "Save"
Within 7 to 10 business days, you should see WGES listed at the bottom of your Kroger receipt.
Tom Thumb Good Neighbor Program
**Needs to be re-registered every year.**
Tom Thumb
1.Set up a Tom Thumb for U account through the app OR website (
2. Email and ask them to link your account to our Good Neighbor number (#10971). Be sure to include the phone number you used to set up your Tom Thumb for U account and our Good Neighbor number (#10971) in your message.
3. Start shopping! Tom Thumb will donate 1% of all sales linked to our Good Neighbor number!
1. Go to
2. Use discount code: FUNDRAISEWGESPTO – WGES receives 15% when you shop and you receive 20% off.